Order by 10am Monday – Thursday for next day delivery. Friday and weekend orders will be posted out on Monday
  • Yorkshire Blue

    £42.00 per kg
    From Shepherd's Purse Dairy, Thirsk. A soft, creamy blue veined cheese made from local cow's milk. Mellow at first with a slightly salty bite.

    Minimum Order 250g

  • The Yorkshire classic from Wensleydale Creamery, Hawes. Made to a traditional recipe originated by the Cistercian monks who settled in Wensleydale. A lightly pressed chalky, crumbly cheese, a favourite of Wallace & Gromit.

    Minimum Order 250g

  • Sparkenhoe

    £38.00 per kg
    The only Red Leicester made in Leicestershire. Handmade using traditional rennet and unpasteurised milk, by Jo and James Clarke. Smooth and creamy with a full flavour, cloth bound and matured for 6 months on beech shelves.

    Minimum Order 250g

  • This is Papillon’s top of the range Roquefort, aged for over 4 months. An exquisite sheep’s milk cheese, creamy, sharp and sweet.

    Minimum Order 250g

  • Red Devil

    £35.00 per kg
    From the Snowdonia Cheese Company. A guest cheese of Red Leicester with added chilli and crushed pepper. Spicy!

    Minimum Order 250g

  • Mrs Ruth Kirkham began making Lancashire Cheese at Beesley Farm over 30 years ago. This was a skill she had been taught by her own mother, making her the third generation of cheese makers in her family. An award-winning mature Lancashire with a well rounded, creamy flavour.

    Minimum Order 250g

  • Montagnola Affine

    £27.00 per kg
    Supreme Champion at the International Cheese Awards 2011. A German blue cheese produced by Kaserei Champignon. Soft fresh and creamy.

    Minimum Order 250g

  • Green Thunder

    £36.00 per kg
    Made by Snowdonia Cheese Company. A mature cheddar with the addition of garlic and garden herbs.

    Minimum Order 250g

  • Gorgonzola Dolce

    £38.00 per kg
    A majestic cheese is oozing and sumptuous. It originates in the North of Italy in the provinces of Lombardy and Piedmonte. Now made along the River Po Valley.

    Minimum Order 250g

  • Fountains Gold

    £35.00 per kg
    A Yorkshire cheddar – style cheese which is produced from Jersey and Guernsey milk to give it a rich, buttery texture. Creamy with full flavour.

    Minimum Order 250g

  • Fontina D’Aosta

    £42.00 per kg
    A mountain cheese made from raw milk within the Val D’Aosta, Italy. The texture is tight and dense with a few holes. The flavour is sweet, butternut honey with a trace of acidity. Great for melting.

    Minimum Order 250g

  • Blue Wensleydale

    £36.00 per kg
    Produced at Wensleydale Creamery in Hawes. A milder choice to a Stilton with the crumbly texture of white Wensleydale. Supreme Champion at the British Cheese Awards 2012.

    Minimum Order 250g

  • Blue Murder

    £38.00 per kg
    Made by Riauridh Stone of the Highland Fine Cheese in Tain. It truly screams "Blue Murder!" Complex and creamy laced with bold cracks and streaks of blue. Spicy, steely and sweet.

    Minimum Order 250g

  • From the Wensleydale Creamery in Hawes. Light textured, crumbly cheese matured for nine months.

    Minimum Order 250g

  • Ashcombe

    £50.00 per kg
    Likened to a French Morbier but produced in the rolling hills of the Cotswolds. Smooth and supple with a striking line of aah running through it. Flavour has rich notes of hazelnut.
  • Matured for 12 months and made with unpasteurised cow's milk by Jane Stewart in Anstruther, Fife. Creamy, Tangy and Savoury with notes of fresh grass and tropical fruit.
  • Auld Reekie

    £37.00 per kg
    A two day curd cheese smoked over whiskey barrel shavings, named after Scotlands capital Edinburgh. A fresh and creamy texture with a mild smoky back taste.
  • Hebridean Blue

    £47.00 per kg
    Produced by the Reids at Sgriob Ruardh on the Isle of Mull. The cheese has a creamy, rounded full flavour, not dissimilar to a Stilton. Striking blue veins
  • Produced by Errington Cheese in Lancashire. Raw goats milk log rolled in ash. Matured for 2 - 3 weeks. Becomes soft and springy as it matures outside.
  • Gubbeen

    £33.00 per kg
    Made by the Fergusons on their farm in West Cork. Washed-rind, semi-soft cheese, creamy, nutty with a hint of mushrooms.

    Minimum Order 250g

  • Baron Bigod

    £45.00 per kg
    Made by Jonathan and Duclie Crickmore of Fen Farm Dairy in Suffolk. Smooth, delicate, silky texture and complex lasting flavours. Similar to a "Brie de Meaux".

    Minimum Order 250g

  • Wigmore

    £57.00 per kg
    Named after the cheese makers, Andy and Anne Wigmore, this cheese is a traditional hand-made ewe's milk cheese matured for six weeks. It has a bloomy rind and the paste is soft and creamy. It tastes milky and floral without being heavy or overpowering.

    Minimum Order 250g

  • A fresh white Stilton from Long Clawson Dairy in Leicestershire. The sweetness of the mango and the spiciness of the ginger marry really well together.

    Minimum Order 250g

  • Stinking Bishop

    £55.00 per kg
    From Charles Martell, Laurel Farm, Dymock, Gloucester. The rind is washed in perry made from pear juice. The pear variety is "Stinking Bishop"! Soft, sticky, pungent cheese with an aroma worse than its bite.

    Minimum Order 250g

  • St Nectaire

    £40.00 per kg
    From the Auvergne region of France. Supple and silky texture which melts in the mouth. Slightly acidic, it tastes of copper, walnuts and spices.

    Minimum Order 250g

  • Spiced Gouda

    £25.00 per kg
    A young Gouda spiced with cumin seeds.

    Minimum Order 250g

  • Spenwood

    £58.00 per kg
    Made by Village Maid, Berkshire. Inspired by the local pecorino in Sardinia. Hard Pressed ewe's milk cheese with a well developed nutty flavour.

    Minimum Order 250g

  • Sage Derby

    £37.00 per kg
    Made by Fowlers of Earlswood. Sage leaves have been chopped into the curds before it is left to mature for 9 months.

    Minimum Order 250g

  • Ribblesdale Blue

    £60.00 per kg
    Made at Ashes Farm in Settle using local goat's milk. Creamy, crumbly blue cheese with a delicious salty bite.

    Minimum Order 250g

  • Red Storm

    £35.00 per kg
    Aged Red Leicester from the Snowdonia Cheese Company in Wales. Punchy, Flavoursome and creamy. Matured for 18 months.

    Minimum Order 250g

  • Raclette

    £24.00 per kg
    Literally translated means "scraper". A rich, buttery cheese with a pale golden paste and a golden orange rind, the flavour being full and fruity. Traditionally sliced and cooked before an open fire or on a Raclette machine, then scraped off onto hot potatoes or pickles and served with dry, cured meats.

    Minimum Order 250g

  • Parmigiano Reggiano

    £45.00 per kg
    This genuine 2 year old Parmesan is a superb grainy, brittle and crumbly cheese with a fruity flavour. Delicious when grated onto salads or sprinkled onto pasta or risotto. Or simply eat it on its own!

    Minimum Order 250g

  • Old Winchester

    £42.00 per kg
    A superb hard cheese aged for 16 months. A crumbly texture with a nutty, browned butter taste and pronounced tang. The crunchy texture is similar to parmesan.

    Minimum Order 250g

  • Made by Shorrocks cheeses on their farm in Goosnargh, Lancashire. Creamy texture with a strong bite. Presented in a black wax in the shape of a bomb!
  • Gorwydd Caerphilly

    £43.00 per kg
    Gained a SUPER GOLD at the World Cheese Awards 2019! Produced by Todd Trethowan near Weston-Super-Mare, Somerset. Flavour is fresh and richly lactic at the centre; closer to the rind it becomes mushroomy, savoury and earthy.

    Minimum Order 250g

  • Epoisses

    From Epoisses, which is in the Cote d'Or region of France. Strong flavour which matures during frequent washing's of Marc De Bourgogne - one of our strongest and most pungent soft cheeses!

    Sold as 250g