Order by 10am Monday – Thursday for next day delivery. Friday and weekend orders will be posted out on Monday
  • Real Yorkshire Wensleydale from Hawes with the addition of juicy, plump cranberries.

    Minimum Order 250g

  • Real Yorkshire Wensleydale from Hawes with the addition of stem ginger.

    Minimum Order 250g

  • A fresh white Stilton from Long Clawson Dairy in Leicestershire. The sweetness of the mango and the spiciness of the ginger marry really well together.

    Minimum Order 250g

  • Wigmore

    £57.00 per kg
    Named after the cheese makers, Andy and Anne Wigmore, this cheese is a traditional hand-made ewe's milk cheese matured for six weeks. It has a bloomy rind and the paste is soft and creamy. It tastes milky and floral without being heavy or overpowering.

    Minimum Order 250g

  • Yorkshire Blue

    £42.00 per kg
    From Shepherd's Purse Dairy, Thirsk. A soft, creamy blue veined cheese made from local cow's milk. Mellow at first with a slightly salty bite.

    Minimum Order 250g

  • Comté 24 months

    £60.00 per kg
    Produced from cow’s milk that have been fed from the rich pastures of the Jura Mountains. Sweet and fruity when made with summer milk and nuttier when produced from winter milk.

    Minimum Order 250g

  • Single Gloucester

    £40.00 per kg
    Produced by Jonathan Crump with milk from Gloucester cows on his farm in Standish. Matured for 4-6 weeks, it has a gentle, milky taste with zesty undertones and a clean finish.

    Minimum Order 250g

  • Baron Bigod

    £45.00 per kg
    Made by Jonathan and Duclie Crickmore of Fen Farm Dairy in Suffolk. Smooth, delicate, silky texture and complex lasting flavours. Similar to a "Brie de Meaux".

    Minimum Order 250g

  • Durrus

    £42.00 per kg
    Irish Farmhouse cheese produced in the valley of Comkeen, West Cork. Semi-soft, washed rind. Mild and creamy when young, stronger and fruitier as it matures.

    Minimum Order 250g

  • St Tola Ash

    £62.00 per kg
    A fresh and lemony raw goat’s milk log from Clare in Ireland. Fruity and fresh flavour with a smooth and velvety texture. Ash coated to give a more prominent flavour.

    Minimum Order 250g

  • Shepherd’s Store

    £60.00 per kg
    A traditional, European style semi-hard cheese. A seasonal cheese produced from February to September and aged for a minimum of six months. Complex flavour with savoury yet gentle sweet notes.

    Minimum Order 250g

  • Gubbeen

    £33.00 per kg
    Made by the Fergusons on their farm in West Cork. Washed-rind, semi-soft cheese, creamy, nutty with a hint of mushrooms.

    Minimum Order 250g