Order by 10am Monday – Thursday for next day delivery. Friday and weekend orders will be posted out on Monday
  • Fourme D’Ambert

    £35.00 per kg
    A blue-veined, cylindrical creamy cheese from the Auvergne region. Creamy textured with a sharp, slightly salty flavour.

    Minimum Order 250g

  • Gruyere

    £35.00 per kg
    Like Emmental, Gruyere is a pressed cooked cheese, but with a drier firmer texture and a richer sharper flavour; an excellent melting cheese for sauces and a must with Emmental for fondues.

    Minimum Order 250g

  • From Normandy this traditional creamy bloomy-white rinded cheese has a pale golden paste with a fruity smell and no trace of ammonia.

    Sold as 250g

  • Langres

    Made in the Champagne region. Washed in Champagne, giving it a complex, fruity flavour which melts in the mouth. Most cheese is usually flipped to have two flat sides, but Langres is left on one side, which creates a natural dip in the top. It's traditional to pour Champagne into the cheese - a truly celebratory cheese!

    Minimum Order 250g

  • Dolcelatte

    £36.00 per kg
    Its name literally means "sweet milk". Smooth creamy, mild blue-veined cheese. It was originally produced by Galbani for the British market as a milder, softer version of Gorgonzola.

    Minimum Order 250g

  • Gorgonzola Piccante

    £36.00 per kg
    Artisan produced by Igor. This is the first Gorgonzola to be produced back in the 9th century, from the surroundings of Milano and Piedmonte. Creamy and spicy.

    Minimum Order 250g

  • Produced in North Holland using traditional methods. Aged for an anazing 1000 days! Flavour is unique. It has a deep, orange colour with delicious nutty, deep caramel flavours with a long finish. There is also a hint of sweetness and subtle crunch of salt crystals making it exceptionally robust and irresistible!

    Minimum Order 250g

  • Gorgonzola Dolce

    £38.00 per kg
    A majestic cheese is oozing and sumptuous. It originates in the North of Italy in the provinces of Lombardy and Piedmonte. Now made along the River Po Valley.

    Minimum Order 250g

  • Ossau Iraty

    £39.00 per kg
    Made by the Pardon family in the Basque-Bearn region in France. A ewe's milk cheese from unpasteurised milk. Complex yet delicately smooth flavours.

    Minimum Order 250g

  • St Nectaire

    £40.00 per kg
    From the Auvergne region of France. Supple and silky texture which melts in the mouth. Slightly acidic, it tastes of copper, walnuts and spices.

    Minimum Order 250g

  • Tomme de Savoie

    £40.00 per kg
    Made in the mountains and pressed to eliminate as much water as possible. Produces a firm and nutty flavour, not too strong, but tasty.

    Minimum Order 250g

  • Pecorino Romano

    £41.00 per kg
    A hard, pressed ewe's milk cheese, aged for 3 months. A substitute for Parmesan for those intolerant of cow's milk but a little more salty.

    Minimum Order 250g